We have multiple opportunities throughout the week for adult bible study.  On Sunday morning there are two classes that meet from 9:15-10:20.  The Feasting on the Word class studies the scripture that will be read and proclaimed in worship that day.  The second class (without a name) meets to discuss books on faith. Their books have ranged in author from Sue Monk Kidd, Barbara Brown Taylor and Richard Rohr.


Additionally, you will see below opportunty to join the Presbyterian Women for Bible Study on a monthly basis.  


On Wednesday evenings as part of our LOGOS program there is an adult Bible Study prior to dinner.  You can learn more about LOGOS below and see the schedule for each Wednesday. 


LOGOS is a program for all ages based on Acts 2:24 and therefore has four main elements – Bible Study, Worship Skills/Choir, Recreation Play, and Family Time/Dinner.  At Grace First LOGOS is on Wednesdays during the school year from 3:15 – 8:15 p.m.  The conviction of the LOGOS ministry is this:  Nurturing people, especially young people, into right relationships of faith with God through Jesus Christ is THE most important thing the church ever does.  This right relationship with God will help all of us see the world through “God eyes” so we will treat others as children of God.  The ability for us to do this will make a huge impact on our lives now and in the future.




3:15 - 4:00 – Snack

4:00 – 4:45 – Choir

4:45 – 5:15 – Recreation for Children/Youth Handbells

5:15 – 6:00 – Bible Study for Children/Youth

5:00 – 6:00 – Bible Study for Adults

6:00 – 7:00 – Dinner

7:00 – 8:15 – Adult Choir


Our Sanctuary Choir for adults participates in services all year with 4  part selections of traditional, classical, and modern choral music, accompanied by our pipe organ or piano. For special services we often have instrumentalists join us. We welcome anyone who would like to participate in a traditional choral group.


The Sanctuary Handbells at Grace First is an adult handbell choir which enjoys our five octave set of Schulmerich handbells and three octave set of chimes. We are also fortunate to have a four octave set of Malmark hand chimes that can be used by children’s choirs as well as adults. The group practices weekly and participates in worship monthly as scheduled. There are opportunities for new members to learn as they participate with experienced ringers.


Presbyterian Women (PW) of Grace First is dedicated to helping women LIVE GRACE FIRST through:

WORSHIP and growth in knowledge of the love of Jesus Christ through fellowship of bible study, book reviews and worship services,

WITNESS to those in the church, community and beyond through special offerings and collections,

WORK in the church, community and beyond through special mission projects and activities to spread the good news.